October Jobs for Your Garden
The nights are clearly drawing in and we are well into the Autumn season. Temperatures are dropping and the leaves are turning into beautiful colours. Approaching the end of the year, it is easy to think that everything is starting to slow down but the opposite is quite true. Autumn and Spring are two of the busiest seasons in your garden. Animals, reptiles and birds are stocking up on food and getting ready to hibernate. For gardeners it is the time to prepare for next spring and summer and October heralds the start of a busy planting and transitional time of year.
Start by emptying summer pots and hanging baskets and composting the spent contents. Collect leaves from lawns and paths but leave some leaf cover on the ground as animals are gathering materials to make a warm winter nest. It’s okay to leave things a little unkempt as the wildlife needs undisturbed spaces to hide out the coming winter. It’s also a good time to give your lawn a feed to strengthen the roots before the winter cold sets in. Move any less hardy plants into frames and start to reintroduce any house plants that have been outside back indoors gradually to acclimatise.
Prepare for Spring During the Autumn
The key to a successful spring is to think ahead and prepare now. Plant bulbs while there is still some warmth in the soil to enable them to establish. It won’t be obvious but they will start the growing process now and store enough energy so that they are ready burst in to life when spring eventually arrives. Bulbs need to be planted deeply and to create a more natural looking display throw a handful into the air and plant where they land.
Bees will already be in hibernation but when they emerge in about six to seven months from now, having crocus, snake’s head fritillary and grape hyacinths will be a vital source of early food. It’s also time to plant tulips, although these may emerge later in the season.
Autumn Garden Maintenance from Abingdon’s Garden Service
Do you need any garden maintenance jobs completing before the winter? How are your fences? Need help with autumn planting in readiness for spring? Abingdon’s Complete Garden Services can help you with this and so much more. Contact us so that your outdoor space is ready for the new growing season next year. Read more News about Abingdon’s Complete Garden Services.