
Looking Forward to 2021

15 Dec 2020

As everyone begins to wind down for the festive season, here at Abingdon’s we think about the year we have had, and look forward to the year ahead.

Goodbye 2020

Many of us are saying goodbye to 2020 having spent most of the year in lockdown. Aside from the many negatives, the year has brought us, there has also been a number of things we take forward. A number of us have spent more time over the summer months in our gardens, learning an abundance of new skills, or having a good old tidy up. Take this memory forward and keep on top of your garden, you might be surprised how much you begin to enjoy it. 2020 has taught us to help those around us where we can, so if you have found a new love for gardening, lend a helping hand to those around you who might not be able to do so much.

Welcome 2021

We look forward to welcoming in the new year, to work with new customers and old friends alike. The thrill of new projects and new designs means we can’t wait to get started! So if you’re looking for a complete overhaul in your garden this year, we’re looking forward to getting our hands on a design specifically for you.

January Gardening

Notorious for being the coldest month of the year January is almost here again. We know it’s a frightful time to be outside if you don’t have to, so if you aren’t looking forward to getting outside, give us a call, we can see when we are available to come out and give you a hand. If you have a loved one who needs a hand with the gardening this winter, please help out where you can, and where you can’t, we can be on hand to help.

In The New Year

If you are looking for a complete redesign in your garden next year, or maybe just a new lawn in the spring here at Abingdon’s we’ll be right there for you in the new year. Our garden maintenance service will continue in 2021, so if you are looking for someone to help out in your garden, please contact us to discuss your requirements and what we can do for you.

From the team here at Abingdon’s Complete Garden Services, we wish all our customers, both old and new, a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. May your festive season be filled with love and joy.

Abingdon's Complete Garden Service Ltd.,
50 Meadowside,
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
OX14 5DX
01235 533193