Garden table and flowers covered in snow

January Blues – Or Even Snow!

03 Jan 2022

Christmas has been and gone, and now people have a little more free time they will be looking at ways to fill the time. Well, it might be a little chilly outside, or a little damp, or maybe even a little snowy. But there are still things you can do in the garden! Just remember to wrap up warm and pop a pair of thick gloves on!

New Year, New Enthusiasm

Every new year we start off with a brand new enthusiasm, maybe even a New Years resolution or two. So why not use this enthusiasm in the garden!
If you aren’t quite ready to get out into the garden, it is a great time to plan your year. From deciding where and when to grow new flowers, veg and even fruits, to where you want to landscape this year. You could even consider garden landscaping in Abingdon.
So why not get drawing up your plans? This time of year means that your garden is at its lowest level, allowing you to see the full space you have to work with.

What To Sow And Grow

It may be January, it may be frosty, but there are still things that you can sow in your garden ready to get the year growing.
Start sowing your Snapdragon (Antirrhinums) in a propagator in your home or greenhouse. These take a long while to flower, meaning that sowing them now will start that growing process.
Another set of flowers to start growing inside are Geraniums, Carnations and Begonias. Growing these from seed takes time and some warmth, so the sooner you start, the sooner you can get them in the garden!

Winter Wildlife

As always, the wildlife in your garden needs your help at this time of year. By leaving food out in easy to reach places for them they can conserve the energy that they need to keep them warm during freezing temperatures. Offering high-fat foods can also help with this, so think about a fat ball feeder.
They would also appreciate help with some fresh bedding if there’s snow around. Find somewhere sheltered and dry (a covered bird table is ideal) place to popo some bedding. Twigs, cotton wool and shredded paper are all great options.


This time of year sees many plants not making it through the harsh winter weather. When you notice that your plants haven’t made it, or they might even be past their best, it’s time to get them up and straight into the compost. The moisture at this time of year helps this to break down quicker.
If you had a real tree, you can also shred this and get this composting too. Remember, you can use some of the smaller branches for your wildlife bedding too.

We know that January is a tough month where the cold weather is concerned. So if there is any work that needs to be done in your garden, please get in touch with the team here at Abingdons who will be happy to help and get the job done for you.

Abingdon's Complete Garden Service Ltd.,
50 Meadowside,
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
OX14 5DX
01235 533193