December’s Cold To-Do List
It’s December, Christmas is nearly here, the weather has definitely taken a turn for the cold. So do we really need to be out in the garden? You bet we do!
There’s still plenty you can get hands-on with in your garden this month. Just make sure you wrap up warm!
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Back in November, we advised getting ready for the frosts, preparing your greenhouse and your pots. Well, winter is now in full swing, and if you haven’t already wrapped your terracotta pots, you may have already lost one or two, or even noticed a nice new crack.
So, stick on a nice warm coat, and have a walk around your garden taking a closer look at your pots and wrapping the ones that really need it. If you’ve already got some cracks, head out to your local garden centre for a frost-proof pot to replace it.
You’ll also want to ensure that your greenhouse is fully covered. While the glass should be weatherproof, it doesn’t mean that what’s inside will be too. So get your bubble wrap, or your garden fleecing, and wrap it up nice and warm.
Ensure that any watering products have been brought inside for the frosty season. Or even into the greenhouse and double fleeced. This can stop them from freezing and splitting in the harsh temperatures that we are expecting this year.
Border Care
Much of your borders will have now died off. Unless of course, you have populated it with winter bloomers! This is the ideal time to ensure you are turning over the soil in your borders and loosening it up where possible to stop it from bogging down so badly in the heavy rains.
While you’re in your borders, take a look around for any late pruning. Wisteria, fruit trees, roses and Japanese maples are just some of the plants that benefit from a winter prune.
Winter Wildlife
Winter is the harshest time of year for wildlife here in the UK. And the time that many people seem to stop feeding them. So grab yourself some wellies, pop down to the end of the garden, and give them a helping hand!
While some wildlife, such as hedgehogs, have already gone into hibernation. But the others, just need that extra bit of support at this time of year.
Where you can, popping some feed out daily helps birds nesting locally to conserve energy on their hunt for food. This is the vital energy to keep them warm. If you have a bird table with a roof, they also appreciate dry twigs and other bedding, such as cotton wool, to help keep their nest that little warmer.
Don’t forget, you may still have some ground-dwelling creatures around too. So you may want to continue putting some ground-level feed out like you would have done for the hedgehogs.
During this season, higher fat levels are ideal to help keep up their fat stores as they try to keep warmer.
Deck The Halls
It’s Christmas time! There’s no need to restrict the decorations to indoors! Why not turn your garden into your own private winter wonderland!
Head over to your local garden centre, where you’re likely to find a whole host of outdoor garden decorations. From lifesize reindeers to large inflatable snowmen, nativity scenes and even the big man himself. You’ll be amazed at how much you can do in your garden.
It’s not all about sparking and flashing lights of course. There are a few plants you can include to offer a Christmassy feel!
Winter heathers, which are available in a wide range of colours, can offer a full carpet of colour in your borders. With white looking like snow, even if we don’t have a white Christmas!
Sarcococca is another great Christmas shrub. The dark green foliage is accompanied by small, white, snowflake-like flowers. Some varieties even boast a red flower! A safer alternative to a stunning holly bush if you have young children!
We know that not everyone wants to get out in the garden this month. And indeed, many don’t have the time to. So if you need some help with your garden maintenance this month, please get in touch with the team here at Abingdon’s, who will be happy to give you a helping hand where you need it most.
Are you looking to have a complete overhaul in your garden in time for the spring? We get booked up pretty quick for the spring garden landscaping, so get in touch and get booked up soon to secure your project!