
Creating Bird Friendly Gardens

22 Feb 2021

Whether you took part in the RSPB national birdwatch, or you are simply just noticing more birds fluttering around your garden, nothing is more helpful to them than creating a bird-friendly garden. So why not have a look at some of the ideas below and see how you can make a difference in your garden.

Feeding zone

Creating a specific zone where your birds can find their food will help them to find it each time they return. Offering a range of different foods in different formats can help to encourage different species of birds into your garden. From fat balls kept up high, to niger seeds in small hanging feeders you can attract an abundance of British birds into your space.
If you have animals that frequent your garden, such as cats and dogs, we recommend keeping your bird feeders higher than you normally would, and with cats we recommend investing in a free-standing hook (or garden spike) to hand your feeders from, to ensure that they cannot get easy access to feeding birds.

Bathing space

Birds love a good splash around in some freshwater. If you have the space in your garden, why not look into either getting a small ready-made birdbath, or creating your own space where birds can have a splash around. Again, remember that if you have dogs and cats this needs to be considered when it comes to your positioning. We want our feathered friends to be happy and safe while they are splashing around.

Nesting materials

From tiny wrens, to sparrows and even crows, each one needs to be able to find the materials they need to make their nests. This isn’t always easy when we are surrounded by concrete with very few trees. Help your feathered friends to find anything they can to build a home for themselves and their eggs. Anything that they can pick up and take away can be the start of a nest, however, twigs, dry leaves and dry grass are common favourites. And where you can, natural bird nesting material is a great offering, this can be found in local garden centres and is available from the national trust.

A place for you

Creating a bird-friendly garden is an amazing thing to help out nature, but why not consider somewhere for yourself to sit and enjoy all the new guests you might find in your garden? Create yourself a nice patio area to give yourself a solid base, where you can not only entertain feathered friends, but also human ones.
If you are looking for somewhere to blend in, and where you are less likely to disturb the wildlife, consider having a small wooden barked area with a static bench on. Not only will this make a stunning addition to your garden, but by being static it is less likely to alarm any birds.

For more information on turning your garden into a paradise for birds (and other wildlife) or for help with your patio, please get in touch with a member of our team today. We also offer a selection of regular garden maintenance help, so if you’re in need of a hand from time to time, please speak to us to discuss how we can help you.

Abingdon's Complete Garden Service Ltd.,
50 Meadowside,
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
OX14 5DX
01235 533193